Test Preparation


The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is designed to evaluate your cognitive skills deemed necessary for higher education in USA and many other countries.

The GRE test consists of 3 parts:

  • 1. Analytic writing
  • 2. Verbal reasoning
  • 3. Quantitative reasoning
  • Analytical writing assessment: The analytical writing section tests your ability in critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It assesses your ability to articulate and support complex ideas, analyze and argument, and sustain a focused and coherent discussions. You will be given a essay topic selected by the computer from the pool of topics. You are asked to respond to a particular issue, clearly presenting our view points on the issue and supporting your position with reasons and examples. It does not offer a choice of topics; the computer will present you with a single topic selected from the pool of topics. You are asked to critique the line of reasoning of an argument given in a brief passage, clearly pointing out the arguments strengths and weakness and supporting your position with reasons and examples.
  • Verbal Reasoning - This section measures a student's ability to analyze and evaluate written material and to synthesize information obtained from it. It measures the ability to analyze relationships among component parts of sentences and recognize relationships among concepts and words.
  • Quantitative Reasoning - This section measures a student's problem-solving ability and focusses on basic concepts of algebra, arithmetic, data analysis and geometry.

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States. In other English-speaking countries and for English-taught graduate and business programs world-wide. Created and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in 1949. The exam aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. The GRE General Test is offered as a computer-based, computer adaptive exam administered by selected qualified testing centers; however, paper-based exams are offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available.
In Nepal, the computer-based GRE® revised General Test is offered and the cost is $190.
The overall testing time for the computer-based GRE® revised General Test is about three hours and 45 minutes. There are six sections with a 10-minute break following the third section.

Structure of the Computer-based Test:


Number of Questions

Allotted Time

Analytical Writing
(One section with two separately
timed tasks)
One "Analyze an Issue" task
and one "Analyze an
Argument" task

30 minutes per task

Verbal Reasoning
(Two sections)

Approximately 20
questions per section

30 minutes per section

Quantitative Reasoning
(Two sections)

Approximately 20
questions per section

35 minutes per section







1. An unidentified unscored section may be included and may appear in any order after the analytical writing section. It is not counted as part of your score.
2. An identified research section that is not scored may be included, and it is always at the end of the test.

The Analytical Writing section will always be first, while the other five sections may appear in any order.

Official scores will be sent to you and the score recipients you designate approximately 10 – 15 days after your test date. You can also view your scores online at My GRE approximately 10 – 15 days after your test date.

For more on GRE visit: www.ets.org/gre

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